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  • jujsky

Week 37, Prosperity: Thomas Turner, Esquire

“Prosperity” is the theme for Week 37 of the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge.

Several generations of my Turner family were wealthy, and members of Boston’s high society. The streak of prosperity ended with my 3rd great-grandfather, Charles, who was still well-off, but lost the bulk of his fortune in a couple of bad newspaper investments. We know where the prosperity ended, but where did it begin?

The Turner wealth streak began with Thomas Turner, Esq., my 7th great-grandfather. He was born in Scituate, Massachusetts on December 8, 1670 to Thomas Turner and Sarah Hyland. Thomas was the grandson of our first Turner ancestor to arrive in America, Humphrey, the tanner. Thomas was a prosperous lawyer and elected to the Provincial Legislature where he was active in various committees.

As a lawyer, he was well-known, and friends with other notable people in the field such as Judge Joseph Otis and Judge John Cushing. He also struck up an unlikely friendship with a renowned Quaker preacher, Michael Wanton. Although the two practiced different religions and held different beliefs, they had a deep respect and affection for one another.

He married Hannah Jenkins on February 9, 1693, and the couple had many children. One of their youngest sons was my 6th great-grandfather, Ephraim Turner, a dancing and fencing master in Boston who was known for his impeccable manners. Had it not been for the money Thomas made and the relationships he forged with important people his children wouldn’t have been as well positioned in society to lead such prosperous lives.

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